


胸大的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台经常会说背痛, 颈部疼痛, 不能跑步或打网球, social embarrassment and poor clothing fit as their reasons for choosing breast reduction. Women typically report a sense of freedom, lightness and improved confidence after having 缩胸手术 博士. 唐纳森或Dr. Sieffert.


Insurance companies typically have a requirement for how much breast tissue must be removed in order for your surgery to be deemed medically necessary before they will cover it. We believe this is taking away your bodily autonomy and your power to decide along with your surgeon what is best for you. 隆胸整形手术仍然会给你一个美丽的结果 & 处理你因大乳房而感到的任何不适, but it will also empower you to make your own choices about how you want to look and feel.


缩胸手术的费用取决于许多不同的因素, 包括切除的组织量, 方法, 或时间, 麻醉成本, 和更多的. You will receive a customized quote during your initial one-on-one consultation for your breast reduction. 此报价在你方协商后6个月内有效, 所以你有足够的时间考虑你的决定或研究我们的不同之处 融资选择!


乳房缩小术, 也被称为乳房缩小成形术, 手术是为了缩小大乳房吗. 它可以去除多余的乳房脂肪, skin and glandular tissue to create a breast size that is in proportion with the body and alleviates the discomfort often associated with overly large breasts. 缩胸术也可以配合手术进行 乳房提升 或者作为手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 男子女性型乳房.


缩胸可以帮助治愈澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的身体和心理, 因为手术会减轻疼痛, 改善行动能力,增强自尊. Several scientific papers report overall improvement in quality of life among large-breasted individuals who undertake breast reduction.


  • 你的身体一般都很健康
  • 你的乳房发育完全
  • 你的期望是现实的
  • 你不抽烟
  • 你的乳房限制了你的体育活动或社交活动
  • 你觉得你的乳房太大或下垂
  • 乳房的重量会导致背部、颈部或肩部疼痛
  • 你经常会因为支撑大乳房的胸罩带而留下凹痕
  • 你的乳房皮肤伸展,下垂
  • 当你的乳房没有支撑时,你的乳头在乳房折痕以下
  • 你的乳晕因皮肤拉伸而增大
  • 你经常在乳房皱褶下面有皮肤刺激

如果你能识别这些描述符的任意组合, 你的下一步可能是预约缩胸手术.


Dr. 唐纳森或Dr. 西弗特会询问你的志向、生活方式和健康状况. 在一起, you will decide your optimal breast size as well as any other improvements that can be made during your 缩胸手术. 来咨询时准备好讨论:

  • 你做手术的原因,你想要的结果和你的期望
  • 任何医疗状况,包括药物过敏和医疗
  • 你目前的药物,维生素和草药补充剂
  • 你使用酒精、烟草和毒品
  • 以前做过手术吗?
  • 你的乳腺癌家族史和个人乳房x光检查史, 超声波, 核磁共振或以前的乳房活检

Dr. 唐纳森或Dr. Sieffert may also talk to you about any emotional issues you have dealt with relating to your breasts and whether your breasts physically limit you. 他们将测量尺寸并拍照, 然后讨论有多少组织, 脂肪和皮肤需要去除才能达到你的目标. 他们将描述手术技术和典型疤痕. 最后, they will provide you with specific information about how to prepare for your surgery, 其中可能包括影像学检查, 或者停止某些药物或习惯.

The consultation also provides the perfect opportunity to discuss your fears and concerns 博士. 唐纳森或Dr. 西弗特,并询问任何与手术有关的问题.



积极参与你的手术计划是很重要的. 这里有一些问题,希望你在咨询期间能得到回答:

  • 你觉得我适合做这个手术吗?
  • 为了达到最好的结果,我应该做些什么?
  • 你给我推荐什么手术技术?
  • 我的康复会是怎样的?
  • 这个手术的风险和并发症是什么?如何处理?
  • 我还能母乳喂养吗?
  • 随着时间的推移,我的乳房会变成什么样子?
  • Do you have a gallery of before and after photos for this procedure that I can look at?
  • 如果我对结果不满意,我有什么选择?

这个列表是不完整的,并不一定针对您的个人需求. After some research, you will identify the informational categories that seem most important. Some patients come prepared with a list of topics or questions so they don’t forget anything!


许多患者想知道更多关于如何最好地为缩胸做准备. 虽然博士. 唐纳森或Dr. Sieffert将为您提供具体的建议和说明, 在你手术之前, 你可能会被要求:

  • 接受实验室测试或医学评估
  • 调整你目前的药物或开始服用某些药物
  • 做乳房x光检查
  • 戒烟,通常至少在手术前两到四周
  • Avoid taking aspirin, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs, which may increase bleeding

It is important to prepare for your recovery so that you are not scrambling to make arrangements after surgery. 你需要一名司机往返于手术室, 以及手术后24-48小时内身边的人.

你也会想要为你的康复做好准备, 并准备好以下一些东西:

Dr. 唐纳森或Dr. 西弗特和工作人员会解释其他的 具体的指示 或者是你康复所必需的材料.


Although complications stemming from 缩胸手术 are typically fairly rare, 它们确实存在, 和任何大手术一样. 在你会诊期间,医生. 唐纳森或Dr. Sieffert将强调最常见的风险,其中可能包括:

  • 感染
  • 著名的疤痕
  • 乳房或乳头感觉的变化
  • 麻醉并发症
  • 出血
  • 血凝块
  • 乳房轮廓和形状不规则
  • 乳房不对称
  • 可能无法母乳喂养
  • 液体积聚
  • 对胶带、胶水、缝合材料或注射剂过敏
  • 翻修手术的可能性

考虑怀孕状况和计划是很重要的, 纹身的位置, 乳头穿孔和其他乳房状况提前.


Dr. 唐纳森和Dr. 西弗特在全身麻醉下进行缩胸手术. This means that you will be asleep for the surgery, which usually lasts between two and three hours.

有三种主要的切口选择, all of which involve cutting around the pigmented area or nipple-areolar complex (NAC). Dr. 唐纳森或Dr. 西弗特将为您推荐最佳选择. 切口选择包括:

  • 乳晕周围有圆形图案, 哪里的切口通常可以隐藏在胸罩或泳衣下面
  • A keyhole-shaped pattern, with an incision around the areola and down to the breast crease
  • 锚形切口锚形或倒t形切口

Throughout the surgery, the nipple remains tethered to its original nerve and blood supply. 在做了切口后,乳头被重新放置. 如有必要,可通过切除周边皮肤来缩小乳晕.

下面的乳房组织然后缩小,提升和塑造. 偶尔, 如果乳房非常大且下垂, the areola and nipple may need to be removed and replaced to a higher position on the breast. 这就是所谓的游离乳头移植.

在这之后,博士. 唐纳森或Dr. 西弗特会帮你缝合伤口. 将这些切口合在一起可以重塑新的小乳房. Sutures are layered deep to superficial in order to create and support the new breasts. 所有缝合线在皮肤下都是可溶解的, and a final layer of skin adhesive (surgical-grade super glue) is used to protect the skin. These incision lines become permanent scars, but they usually fade and improve over time.

虽然上面列出的步骤描述了典型的缩胸手术, 也有例外. 在某些情况下,多余的脂肪也可以通过 抽脂术 尤其是乳房两侧和腋窝下.



虽然缩胸可能会带来更舒适的生活方式, it has become increasingly difficult for patients to obtain insurance coverage for 缩胸手术. 这是为什么??


如果你想通过保险来做缩胸手术, you should know that insurance companies will consider the breast reduction procedure “cosmetic” until a patient can prove a number of health issues caused by having large breasts. There are stringent requirements you must meet before you qualify — most insurance companies require proof of (on average) 6 to 12 months of conservative treatment measures including chiropractic treatment, 物理澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 皮肤科转介皮疹 & 更多的.


最后, many insurance companies require a certain amount of breast tissue to be removed before they will consider it “medically necessary”, 哪些因素会导致患者对缩胸手术不满意. We believe the amount of breast tissue removed should be left up to the patient and their plastic surgeon — not dictated by the patient’s health insurance company.


手术后, your incisions will be covered with light dressings and a supportive sports-style bra that detaches in front. 在恢复期佩戴这个胸罩可以减少肿胀, 在乳房愈合时支撑乳房, and hold breasts symmetrically during the healing process without an irritating underwire.

Dr. 唐纳森或Dr. Sieffert will prescribe pain medication to minimize discomfort, as well as provide you with specific 手术后的指令. 我们的工作人员将协助您协调后续预约. 通常, you can resume your normal activities within 1-2 weeks and rigorous athletics within 4-6 weeks. 疤痕应在6-12个月内消退.


整个俄亥俄州和全国的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台都很信任他. 唐纳森来帮助他们看起来和感觉最好. 除了获得美国整形外科委员会的认证外, a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Dr. 唐纳森获得了许多荣誉和奖项. 最近的荣誉包括 哥伦布商业第一’s “40岁以下,其中之一。 美国顶级整形外科医生 其中之一 美国最富有同情心的医生.

Dr. 唐纳森的 奖 & 区别


Take the first step by booking your consultation today and learning how you can change your life with a breast reduction. 哥伦布, Ohio residents continue to recommend the personalized care and comfort they receive from Dr. 唐纳森和Dr. Sieffert.

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